Sue Oldroyd and I hiked Grandeur Peak yesterday. We enjoyed an incredibly beautiful autumn day with the most gorgeous color of blue sky against the yellow leaves on some quakies but also on the scrub oak that seems to be the last to turn. Grandeur is exposed so it was a perfect fall hike. The […]
Tag Archives | Park City

Monday, January 27, 2014
Dragon Fly pic sent to me from my sister, Jen I have started this blog entry several times already today but then find myself moving to something else. It has been a week like no other ever in my life. I came home from a cruise with my Mom and sisters on Sunday night, January […]

Tuesday, December 24
Christmas Eve is my favorite night of the year. This passion and love for this night has been passed down to me from my maternal Grandma. She made Christmas Eve feel like magic and always celebrated it to the fullest. Our family tradition is to start the night early by meeting in the afternoon for […]
Sunday, November 24
Today is Irene’s (mother-in-law) 88th birthday and tomorrow Maggie’s (first grandchild) 6th birthday. We are having a huge birthday celebration at our house serving a Thanksgiving dinner, with all the most delicious foods, since this year for Thanksgiving all of our married children will be with their in-laws. Joe, Alex and I will be heading […]

Thursday, December 13
I go through phases with my post-cancer self where I feel strongly that my cancer is gone and that I’ll be around in 10 years and therefore I can dream and then at other times this sinking feeling creeps in and all my vulnerabilities seem to rise to the surface and I experience this feeling […]

Saturday, December 1
When I was 18, I arrived home from an exchange program in Germany where I had lived for four months. It was around December 18 and Salt Lake was experiencing a very warm winter. No snow was upon the ground and people were walking around in sweaters. That is how this winter feels to me. […]

Susie’s Moose Munch
From Susie Beaudoin’s kitchen, she brought this up to Park City and it’s the perfect treat that you can’t stop eating! SUSIE’S MOOSE MUNCH 1 c. butter 2 c. brown sugar ½ c. light Karo syrup 1 t. salt 1 t. vanilla ½ t. baking soda 6 quarts popped popcorn ( ½ c. unpopped) 1 […]
Sunday, July 15
Quote of the Day: “We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” Carlos Castaneda 34 years ago today I met my husband Joe. The place- Pineview Reservoir in Ogden Canyon. We both went with friends to a young-adult activity and because there were so many people […]
Sunday, June 17
“Life is the sum of all your choices.” Albert Camus Yesterday, Joe, Alex and I got up early and rode our bikes from our Park City condo over to Deer Valley and then on Royal Street up the mountain. It was so beautiful. Sad to say but I like biking uphill better than down because, […]
Wednesday, May 30
Quote of the Day: “The reality is that changes are coming… They must come. You must share in bringing them.” John Hersey Today, may just shape up to be the perfect day. For starters, the temperature is hovering right around 73 degrees. The sky is an aqua-blue color and the mountain on which I live […]
Watercress, Pear, and Blue Cheese Salad
11 Jan 2013
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Herb-Rosemary Focaccia Loaves
11 Jan 2013
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Lori’s Cinnamon Roasted Almonds
11 Jan 2013
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Black Bean Soup
5 Jan 2013
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Patti’s Spring Greens Salad
24 Dec 2012
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