Sue Buehner sent me this picture. This is just how I am going to feel when the shingles leaves me. My MRI scan looked great. Those were the doctor’s words. One tumor was completely gone and the other was so small that probably all that was left was scar tissue. Joe and I were completely […]
Tag Archives | running
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Sun Valley- March 2015 with our dear friends! Skiing trip- I wasn’t able to ski this year because of brain tumor operation in January. Joe at his happiest! Scott and Patti Clements, Keven and Kathy Cahoon, Jim and Natalie McCullough, Mike and Linda Dunn, Joe and Joanie Daily and missing- Peter and Serida Foss. I’m […]

Friday, October 10, 2014
Taylor at Mile 16, Joe and Peter at Mile 23, Taylor along course running fast! Last week, we headed for St. George so Joe and Taylor could complete another marathon. Taylor was well trained and very in shape. He had trained by running and biking and was logging faster miles and feeling stronger as the […]

Thursday, May 22 2014
Maggie after her performance in Neverland, The Epic Adventure, age 6 It’s an wonderful time to be a Grandma when you have a little performer like Maggie. Last week she performed in the play Neverland the Epic Adventure as Michelle Darling (there wasn’t a Michael due to lack of boys). She wore pajamas and held […]

Monday, May 5, 2014
Joanie, Cokie and Sue B. stopping during run to pose under Magnolia tree. I am so happy to be back running with my friends. Running brings me a lot of joy in a lot of ways. I get to be outside taking in all the sounds, sights and smells of Spring. Each day, I discover […]
Wednesday, April 2
I am so happy to be inside my warm cozy home. Today it is snowing hard and tomorrow Sue B. and I are planning to run 10 miles. It will actually be a walk/run but who cares, 10 miles is 10 miles. Last week, when we started our 8.5 miler long run, my legs felt […]

Thursday, March 20, 2014
This morning I met Sue Buehner and we went running, yes running. My head felt fine but mostly I felt alive to be out in the early morning, 6:00 A.M. no less, and running, then walking when we grew tired, then running again. I love how running and getting up early and pushing myself to […]
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
We visited the neurosurgeon today and he gave me good advice. Start slowly doing the things you love to do like playing tennis and running. I’m back on the eliptical machine which is low impact but don’t like the idea of my brain bouncing up and down while I run. Our brains have liquid that […]

Monday, February 10, 2014
Bracelet from Jen’s friends- “Dance Moms” Yesterday afternoon, Maggie and Kate came running in with cards they had made for me. Maggie’s says: “I love you. I hope it goes will with the pet scan love Maggie.” Most adorable kindergarten writing. I asked her about the picture and she said, with one upper front tooth […]
Sunday, November 24
I haven’t been running as much since the St. George Marathon on October 5 but in an effort to lose some pounds and especially a few inches from my waist, menopause fat (yuck!), I signed up with a personal trainer, Tyler. Best part about it is that Joe, Nate and I go together. I love […]
Watercress, Pear, and Blue Cheese Salad
11 Jan 2013
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Herb-Rosemary Focaccia Loaves
11 Jan 2013
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Lori’s Cinnamon Roasted Almonds
11 Jan 2013
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Black Bean Soup
5 Jan 2013
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Patti’s Spring Greens Salad
24 Dec 2012
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