I’m going to try to write in my blog more but my energy level is so low and my fingers so tender that it makes it hard. I started on a steroid yesterday, so I’m hoping that will help with all those issues. Tomorrow I go in for the Gamma Knife treatment and then a […]
About Jdaily
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Arthur Ashe
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Taylor and Katie at the Food Bank Turkey Trot- November 2015, Always giving these two Yesterday, I went to Skyline and talked with my students and told them my cancer history and how I would not be coming back to teach. Ann Jensen will take over for me and that is the greatest blessing. We’ll […]

Sunday, January 3, 2016
Joanie and Joe at the Laie Temple on the North Shore of Oahu, November 2015 I am anxiously looking forward to my arm and hand feeling better so I can type easier. It is one of the reasons that keeps me from the computer. It is slowly getting better, but the word is slowly! Last […]

Thursday, December 31, 2015
I think it’s time that I start writing my blog consistently again. I’m glad that I had the spinal surgery- my arm is starting to be less tender and although two fingers are still numb, I am hopeful that they are healing and it will be just a little time until they are completely normal. […]

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Maggie and me on the Z trail on Thanksgiving Morn. Nate, Joe, and Alex were there too. My best times have been when exercising. I’m getting ready for yet another surgery. I’ve often thought that the people that process my insurance claims must think that I need and want a lot of attention. 10 surgical […]

Friday, October 30, 2014
The family in Millcreek Canyon- Joe’s Fall into Fall Annual Breakfast I have had a hard time wanting to write lately. Mostly, because my arm still hurts so badly and my side and legs and I really don’t see too much hope in sight. Yesterday, Joe and I went to the plastic surgeon to see […]

Saturday, October 17, 2014
Joe and Peter Foss made this year’s poster. Pic from last year. For the last two weekends, Joe, Alex and I have been away and I think it saved me or at least helped me in many ways. Two weeks ago, we headed to St. George and watched Joe, Taylor and Katie run the marathon. […]
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Trying to live life despite the pain in my left arm! Maggie and Kate at the Mountain Bike Park in Snyderville. Last week, I had an MRI test on my lower and upper spine in hopes of figuring out why I have this constant, nerve pain in my left arm and also pain in the […]
Monday, September 21, 2015
Zermatt in August. Today, something really amazing happened. I felt happy again. Last Thursday, I got up and started researching the post pain that comes after Shingles. It’s called postherpetic neuralgia and I’m pretty sure I have it. Of course, I didn’t want to believe it because no one knows how long it can go on. […]
Watercress, Pear, and Blue Cheese Salad
11 Jan 2013
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Herb-Rosemary Focaccia Loaves
11 Jan 2013
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Lori’s Cinnamon Roasted Almonds
11 Jan 2013
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Black Bean Soup
5 Jan 2013
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Patti’s Spring Greens Salad
24 Dec 2012
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