I think it’s time that I start writing my blog consistently again. I’m glad that I had the spinal surgery- my arm is starting to be less tender and although two fingers are still numb, I am hopeful that they are healing and it will be just a little time until they are completely normal. […]
Tag Archives | MRI

Friday, October 30, 2014
The family in Millcreek Canyon- Joe’s Fall into Fall Annual Breakfast I have had a hard time wanting to write lately. Mostly, because my arm still hurts so badly and my side and legs and I really don’t see too much hope in sight. Yesterday, Joe and I went to the plastic surgeon to see […]
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Trying to live life despite the pain in my left arm! Maggie and Kate at the Mountain Bike Park in Snyderville. Last week, I had an MRI test on my lower and upper spine in hopes of figuring out why I have this constant, nerve pain in my left arm and also pain in the […]

Sunday, September 6, 2015
Sue Buehner sent me this picture. This is just how I am going to feel when the shingles leaves me. My MRI scan looked great. Those were the doctor’s words. One tumor was completely gone and the other was so small that probably all that was left was scar tissue. Joe and I were completely […]

July 9, 2015
Gamma Knife Treatment in morn, hiking on Park City Trails by night! On Wednesday, July 1st I went in for Gamma Knife Treatment for two tumors that were discovered through an MRI on June 19. I felt really calm about having this procedure and am so grateful for that! I feel so blessed in the […]
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Joe and I in Kauai- overlooking the Menehune Ponds I came back from a wonderful vacation- ten days in Hawaii- Kauai and Ohua, to face an MRI the following morning. I woke up Friday morning and headed to the hospital to have the procedure done. I felt good about it coming back clear but I […]
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Morning sky on Thursday, December 11. Anxious about my MRI! I woke up early this morning anxious to get my blogging done before my morning run. So I sat and composed and got a good paragraph in and then my computer went blank! And so, here I am later in the morning determined to write […]

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
This is what the sun looked like this morning. I was playing tennis and we all stopped in amazement to this very beautiful but very red sun! I have been a nervous wreck waiting for this MRI to come. I try to tell myself not to worry but it’s no use. I figure about 99.9% […]

Sunday, July 6, 2014
Joanie- wake-boarding at Rockport Reservoir My head still hurts. Every now and then I get this wave of motion inside my head. I pray that it is part of the healing process. I don’t know the side effects of the radiation treatment- Gamma Knife- that was done in February, about 4 weeks after surgery but […]

Monday, April 21, 2014
Visit with Carol Skeen and German “Daughters”. Joanie, Luesa, Carol, Sophia, Sofia A lot has happened since I last wrote. Our German visitor, Sofia, has arrived and has only one week left here. In these three weeks, I have seen the trees go from budding to blossoms. I am so anxious to get outside and […]
Watercress, Pear, and Blue Cheese Salad
11 Jan 2013
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Herb-Rosemary Focaccia Loaves
11 Jan 2013
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Lori’s Cinnamon Roasted Almonds
11 Jan 2013
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Black Bean Soup
5 Jan 2013
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Patti’s Spring Greens Salad
24 Dec 2012
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