Alex’s 28th birthday. I remember the Sunday he was born. It was a beautiful, Fall day. He was such a beautiful baby, healthy and strong with dark hair. The happiest days of my life have been when my children were born. He has been such a pleasure to raise and I love him as an […]
Tag Archives | running

Friday, September 13
Last Saturday, Sue O., Cokie and I met @ 5:10, got driven by Joe to the top of Emigration Canyon before the turn to Little Mountain and started our 18 miler down the canyon. What a treat to be able to run slightly downhill at the beginning of a long run and get a few […]
Saturday, August 31
Today, along with Cokie and Donna, I ran/walked 16 miles as I am training for the St. George Marathon in October. It was a beautiful morning, quickly warming up as we trudged along and I do mean trudged. As we are getting older with accumulated injuries and tired from all the goings on in our […]

Friday, April 19
Man, what a week it’s been for events that make us look at ourselves, as a country, closer. My fast running friend, Donna, was running the Boston Marathon on Monday but when she got to 25.5 miles, she was stopped and routed in another direction. She said: “We were freezing, scared, hungry, tired and […]

Friday, April 5
Last weekend, both Sue O. and I were in St. George and since we are both signed up for the Ogden Marathon on May 18, we planned to run a 14 miler on Saturday. It was beautiful weather in St. George and would reach a high of about 78 that day. Sue was feeling pretty […]

Thursday, March 21
It is snowing outside my window and there is a large doe sitting under a snowy pine tree in our backyard. Now I know it is the second day of Spring but I am having a hard time believing it. Last week I was in the hot, hot sun in Palm Springs, walking in the […]

Monday, February 18
I remember this day, two years ago, quite well. I had an appointment to meet with a plastic surgeon about reconstructive surgery when I got a call from my surgeon telling me that the type of cancer I had was Triple Negative. I had to be out the door quickly but I did a quick […]
Tuesday, February 12
This has been such a hard running winter. We’ve had so much snow and cold temperatures so it’s icy in the morning and when it’s dark, it’s especially treacherous! One winter morning, a few years back, Cokie fell and broke her wrist on the ice. There were several of us running and we decided to […]

Sunday, February 3
Millcreek Canyon is such a beautiful place, Summer or Winter, Fall or Spring. I love different aspects of each season. I feel so lucky to live just 5 minutes away from this amazing place. Saturday, Joe and I had a lot of errands to run and a funeral to attend but we had this window […]
Friday, February 1
It has been a long January and one in which I have not run outside. Cold and dark and the worst news of all is that my running partner, Sue Oldroyd, has a knee that may have her giving up running all together and that is sad news. Sue and I ran our first marathon […]
Watercress, Pear, and Blue Cheese Salad
11 Jan 2013
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Herb-Rosemary Focaccia Loaves
11 Jan 2013
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Lori’s Cinnamon Roasted Almonds
11 Jan 2013
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Black Bean Soup
5 Jan 2013
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Patti’s Spring Greens Salad
24 Dec 2012
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