Friday, February 22

Joe and I have adopted a new philosophy this year.  We have a friend, Jim Morgan, who made the comment “You only get 52 Saturdays a year”.  So I thought about those words and about my Saturdays and I realized that it was true.  Saturdays shouldn’t be wasted, they should be loved, they are what we have earned after working hard all week, they are the frosting on the cake.  Heretofore, Saturdays were the days that all items that didn’t get accomplished earlier that week were piled on.  They became this extra day helping me to make up for a busy week.  And while I might have felt good about all that I was able to accomplish on Saturday, it took it’s toll on Joe.  He needed that day to go out and play especially in the winter when dark happened before he got home.  Darkness has a way of making you feel like the day is already over.

Also, skiing is Joe’s favorite winter sport.  He is happiest when on skis speeding down a well-groomed slope or floating on powder after a heavy snowfall.  So I found myself starting to plan for Saturdays making sure I had everything ready to go for the weekend on Friday and it has made us both look forward to the Saturday.  We are no longer allowed to dump the rest of the week’s work on that day. It really has been liberating and so good for our marriage.  By making Saturdays sacred, we are proving how much it means to be able to spend that day together and acknowledge that we need that day at the end of our week for positive fun!

Skiing on Saturday, Joe, Joanie, Katie, Taylor and Alex @ Snowbird!  February 2013



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