Monday, April 25

Quote of the Day:  “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better”.  Emilie Coue

Today, Sue B., Patti and I walked for 5.04 miles (-5.63).  It’s so good to force myself to walk.  I was quite nauseas and felt tired walking up hills but I always feel better when I’m done.  Yesterday, I lounged around a lot more than usual and that get’s hard too.  I know it’s good to rest but it’s so discouraging to have so little energy and motivation.  I woke up this morning w/ a headache and exercise does seem to clear that.  Of course, I have a yeast infection so I had to go see the nurse at the oncology unit.  They gave me a prescription with 2 pills.  You take the first one now and then if the infection doesn’t clear up, 3 days later you take the other one.  That’s some power in those pills.

This week my goal is to get some yard work going and to work on Taylor’s missionary scrapbook.  Also, I have 2 books that I need to finish reading.

This Spring weather is so reflective of my condition-  it seems like it has been so cloudy and rainy for so many days and then about 6:45 P.M. it started hailing.  I should have run out in it and let it hit my head, but it would remind me too much of all the hits currently happening.  I may sound gloomy but actually I’m of good spirits.  I know that after each storm there is a rainbow and I’m quite confident that before too long, my rainbow is coming.

Never underestimate the power of a caring friend.  I am continually amazed and taught by others who know how to be a great friend.  I’m very task oriented and often I would want to accomplish a project instead of taking the time for a friend but in my heightened awareness state, I see the error of my ways.  Sometimes, maybe a lot of times, you need to put other things on hold and concentrate on really listening or really being there for another person.  It’s not enough to run in during your busy schedule, talk with someone really quickly- almost like you’re not really listening and then run out again.  I’m so glad that I have these times in the morning to spend with my friends, talking and connecting.  When I was working so hard and trying to do everything else in my life, I didn’t really understand that I was missing some of the most important life connections.  Both Mauritia and Laurie called tonight and I really needed to talk to someone so that’s what I’m saying.  They took the time to really connect and ask how I was doing!  Angels, really!

I’m including a picture of Maggie w/ the bear statue in Park City.  When I first saw this picture, I noticed how dwarfed Maggie was compared to the bear and how scary it must have looked to her when she first saw it.  I relate that to my situation.  Yes, daunting- the size of the task compared to one person having all these medical procedures but possible and then the admonition to be brave.  “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me”.  Like Maggie says:  “There’s nothing to it, I can do it!”

Taylor on scooter in Guatemala

Maggie and the Bear

Hailstorm- before the rainbow


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One Response to Monday, April 25

  1. Joe April 26, 2011 at 3:55 am #

    Great blog: L and M song

    I’ve been your lover
    You’ve been my friend
    Love and friends all you need in the end
    We’ll keep on growing
    And ever we’ll be
    A friend and a love, indivisible

    The seed we’er growing
    Gonna keep it growing
    As long as we can

    Sometimes a sunshine day
    Sometimes we’re rain
    Sunshine and rain keeps the fields green you know
    It’ll keep our love growing
    Sure as a spring
    The rain and the sun’s indivisible
    The sunshine and rain indivisible

    The seed we’re sowing
    Gonna Keep it growing
    As long as we can
    Uh mama
    The seed we’er sowing
    Gonna keep it right on growing
    As long as we can

    The seed we’re sowing
    Gonna Keep it growing
    As long as we can
    Uh mama
    The seed we’er sowing
    Gonna keep it right on growing
    As long as we can
    Gonna keep it right on growing
    As long as we can

    I love you, sorry I’m out of town. Joe

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