Saturday, June 25

Happy Birthday, Heidi!

Quote of the Day:  “Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.”   Walter Elliott

Exercise Log:  We met at Porter’s Fork in Millcreek Canyon and walked west along the Pipeline Trail.  Our group:  Kathy E., Patti, Jen, Lori, Melissa and myself.  We went about 5 miles and then Jen and I added a bit more making the total 6.31 (-.75).  Jen and I felt so good that it hardly felt like we had gone 6 miles, we could’ve done a lot more.  I love the times that exercise has become effortless, sometimes I would come home from a run and could not remember where I had been. I had traveled so completely on legs that felt like wings that time passed without measuring every footfall. I can’t tell you enough how my sister and friends have made this journey so much easier by making sure that I always have someone with me to walk these miles.  I’m actually putting in more miles than I was when I was running.  But there presence has made it possible to be strong through chemo and making it possible for me to do surgery so quickly after chemo.

My sister, Lynne, is continually in my thoughts but also continually in my prayers.  I love her so much and ache that she is in pain.  I wish I could carry part of it for her.  I understand just a little bit of what she is going through and for that understanding I am grateful.  I know it’s no mistake that we were placed here on this earth as sisters.  I kept a note that she wrote me when I was running for cheerleader in 8th grade.  It was a good luck note to give me strength.  I think she knew that I wanted to be cheerleader so badly.  Of, course, that’s when I was Allison Young, but that’s another story.  I don’t know if you’ll remember this note Lynne, but I have kept it all these years.  It was written on yellow paper and here’s that part I like because it’s so teen-agerish- the lettering goes in a circular way to follow the pattern of the paper.  Here’s what it says:  “Anyone who would take the time and effort to try to understand what is being written on this piece of thing here- must really care what this says and must really read these things people give them to wish them good luck or whatever- really deserves to be cheerleader- and I hope that Olympus Jr. doesn’t let this chance fly away- Good Luck” (with butterfly in center).

I love you Lynne, you have never ceased to amaze me!

Note from Lynne


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