Sunday, April 28

Albert Einstein said: “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

My sister, Lynne’s friend, Shelley has been watching over me since Lynne passed away which I think is really sweet.  She sends me kind messages and adds to my dragon-fly collection with darling earrings and ornaments from her Mom’s garden.  She recently gave me two books about coincidences called “When God Winks” and “When God Winks at You” by SQuire Rushnell.  I have enjoyed reading about the power of coincidences in our lives and how there are so many things that happen to us each day that make us feel important in God’s eyes, that our worries and concerns are not trivial, that there are messages sent for our benefit.  And I must say that I find this so remarkable since there are so many of us in this world and so many people whose concerns are greater than mine.  And often when I am feeling sorry for myself, I think how fortunate I am to be born in the situation I was born into, that in 2011 I was able to get top notch medical care and that I had insurance to pay for it.

But start to look for coincidences in your life and you’ll see them.  I really am amazed at how many times you bump into someone you haven’t seen in years but had recently thought about or how you happen to be in a spot when it seems like the perfect time to be there.  I also am grateful when I find myself in a situation where I can help another person.  And I can certainly add my gratitude to the times when someone was there to make my life easier, when someone came by to help fix a flat bike tire or to give a lift when our bikes were inoperable.  And I can say that I was helped so many times in my life and probably many times when I didn’t realize it.  I  have found it true that when one door closes, another door opens.

But you have to be careful to not go overboard about coincidences!  Today I was thinking that the song we were singing at church was #58 and I was born in 1958.  Now, that’s going overboard!  So I heard a funny thing about coincidences that I think is true.  We, each, think that coincidences that happen to us personally have more import than coincidences that happen to others.

But I do believe in coincidences.  I really believe that we are directed in our lives to act in behalf of others and that we need to listen and be aware of what is going on around us, that we must acknowledge God’s hand in our lives.  Simon Van Booy said: “Coincidences mean you’re on the right path.”

Thanks Shelley!


Sun Valley Dragon Fly




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