Tuesday, January 3

Quote of the Day:  “To be able to find joy in another’s joy, that is the secret of happiness.”  George Bernanos

Exercise Log:  So I am back on the streets, walking again.  Today Sue O. was nice enough to come walk with me after she ran the hour before.  We went 2.96 miles during which we saw 8 deer, 2 bucks with 6 does, combing the mountainside looking of food.  They pretty much have their pick of food this year due to no snow. Yesterday, the group met on Monday and we walked as straight a route as we could go in these hilly parts.  I was told that I needed to keep my heart rate down for a few weeks.  They worry that blood vessels could burst if you start working out too soon after surgery.  Also, no bouncing or movement that would take place during running or tennis, that leads to scar tissue, which I’m against.  So, like I said, I’m back to walking, which I really enjoy, ’til the last week of January.  Then I will up my training for the Ogden Marathon in May big time.  Susie reminded me that I really don’t have to run this marathon, I could set my sights on the “half”.  I know that’s solid advise.  I guess I will try marathon training starting in February and then we’ll see what my body will allow.

Emotionally the end of the year hit me hard.  A flood of feelings including doubt, fear, what ifs, the uncertain future, Lynne’s death all came back breaking through my optimistic outlook for 2012.  So, I’m going to do what I always do when life gets tough: clean and reorganize.  It just dawned on me that maybe I think that if I can put to order the physical objects in my life, the rest of my life will follow suit and fall into perfect place.  I also like how cleaning and working with my body, allows my mind to cultivate thought and rotate through  different scenarios.  I’m not one who can lie on the couch and “think”.  

In short, we must look like funny beings down here on the earth, worrying about trivial matters; those items that seem so paramount right now but aren’t really important in the bigger scheme of things.  I often think of Clarence’s comment in It’s a Wonderful Life when he exclaims his amazement that George’s troubles are based around “money”!  

I truly believe there are often positive solutions to our troubles, maybe ones we don’t want to adopt, but we always have a choice to get our lives on a better track.  I was born with this desire to improve, never completely content with the current Joanie, always believing and really understanding I could be doing more, giving more, understanding more.  And yet, regarding those times in my life I can say I gave it my all, it felt amazingly satisfying and the rewards continue to be tremendous!

Maggie excited to learn new skills this year!



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