Wednesday, June 22

Quote of the Day:  “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.”  Newt Gingrich

Exercise Log:  Jen and I drove over to Tanner Park and got on the paved trail that leads over 2 freeways.  We turned around at the beginning of Foothill Blvd.  It always amazes me how windy it is near the mouth of Parley’s Canyon.  We had a really strong head wind for a bit and then had the wind at our backs.  We went 4.66 miles.  In the evening, Alex and I headed up to the trail head near Red Butte Arboretum and started to hike towards the “Living Room”.  Apparently, there are chairs and couches made of rock, on this popular hike, that you can sit on.  It’s a steep hike where you are following what looks like a former creek bed.  Not my favorite hiking since it’s straight uphill on rocks.  We went a mile and I had to turn around since my legs were a bit shaky.  We saw so many people.  I want to try it again when it’s not the end of the day and I have more energy.  We went 2.03 miles (-2.20).  Also, when we were hiking the trail, I saw a dragonfly go right over us. I tried to get a picture of it but it was too fast.  It gives me goosebumps to see a dragonfly- it feels like a good vibe from Heaven.

I received this darling card from Melissa Magleby, a friend of Mike’s in junior high and high school, but more importantly a friend of mine.  Melissa is one of the sweetest people on this earth and good at everything.  She was so highly thought of by everyone in school because she was considerate to everyone but she is also an amazing dancer.  I got to see her dance in Odyssey Dance Theatre’s productions of It’s a Wonderful Life and Thriller.  She is extremely talented.  I loved having her on the board in Community of Caring and as a student.  One of the things that made me sad in leaving Skyline was that her sister, Kirsten, was in my class this past fall semester and I would have loved to have worked with her on the up-coming board.  Thanks Melissa for you kind words- that make such a difference to me!

I am feeling very tired today, still have a cold that went right to my chest.  I got all this work done inside this morning and then went outside to work on clearing an area that is overgrown.  Big mistake, it is hot today- 80’s for sure.  I was wilting in the sun so came in and then ended up watching Wimbledon.  Oh, punishment!  I feel this pressure to get everything done that I can since I have up-coming surgeries that will keep me from doing physical labor.  I may possibly be able to do both surgeries at the same time- more recovery time but they would be done.  Rather daunting but what in life has not been daunting in 2011?

So this BRCA 1 gene keeps rearing its ugly head.  Another one of my sisters tested positive for the gene.  That makes 3 out of 8 positive so far,  2 we know of are negative and the rest have yet to be tested.  When I went to have the ovarian scan the other day, the technician looked at my chart and said “You’re the poster child for getting mammograms”.   I guess a lot of people just don’t get them which surprises me.  I’m glad that I was proactive that way in getting yearly mammograms because who knows, had I not found out I carry this gene, I might be living my life as if everything was fine when really I had this time bomb ticking inside of me.

Alex on trail near Red Butte

Flowers on trail


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