Saturday, May 21

Quote of the Day:  “Adversity introduces a man to himself.”

Exercise Log:  Joe and Mike got up early to get to Sand Hollow for the tri-athalon.  I didn’t sleep very well- muscle aches and so I got up about 7:30 and started walking.  I did almost 5 and it was the perfect temperature outside- about 70 degrees.  It felt good to walk.  My legs feel a bit shaky but otherwise much better today.  Later, my Mom and I went to Sand Hollow and watched the swimmers, bikers and runners- both Sprint and Olympic distances and I put in a little more milage walking to where we could view the participants-  I love my Garmin GPS.  It was inspiring to watch and fun to see people I knew.  Both Mike and Joe really enjoyed the challenge.  They did great.  My total milage:  5.83 (+1.58)

My Mom and I went to a store in Santa Clara today and found some cool Dragon Flies.  I thought of Jami and her story and I loved when I looked at one of them because it’s to hang in front of a window to let the light shine through it.  It is small, delicate and full of different bright colors and yet for me represents hope and a bright future without cancer and chemo.  There was a larger Dragon Fly that I had to buy also that I will put outside my house.  I need these things to remind me that I can and will be healed and can get back to doing the things I love and stop thinking about being ill.  As I was watching the participants of the tri-athalon, I was thinking about how many different body types do an event like this.  The sprint tri-athalon allows for many shapes and sizes and I love that.  It allows people who are wanting to get into shape to try it out and it allows people who are really in great shape to show what they are made of.  Mike Dunn said to me “Next year you’ll be here” and I so appreciate that.  I do like being a participant but it scares me a little.  I remember the first time I stood at mile 16 at the St. George marathon as a spectator.  I had this foreboding feeling of “Oh no, I’m going to be doing this-  I’m going to be running where these runners are and experiencing this pain.  I have run 9 St. George marathons and long to get 10 done.  There’s a 10 year club after all.

But mostly today, I’m grateful that I feel a little less muscle pain than yesterday, I was able to watch the tri-athalon, go shopping with my mom and read more of Unbroken, which I can hardly put down.  I’m grateful that I have such amazing children that I love and the most wonderful husband.  I am content with myself and happy with what I have accomplished so far in life.

Joe during tri-athalon

Mike- almost finished!


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