Sunday, May 22

Quote of the Day:  “There is no education like adversity.”  Disraeli

Exercise Log:  Today Joe and I got up and walked in the Turtle Preserve before church.  They have had so much rain in St. George that flowers were blooming like crazy.  These beautiful plants that have huge stocks coming out with white flowers were full in bloom.  There are purple bushes, and bright yellow flowers in bloom and against the backdrop of the red rock- it’s amazing.  We went 2.58 (-.95)

So pretty much just trying to get through the days functioning as highly as possible.  I get a cold every time I get to this point of the treatment.  It affects my nose and so I end up spending my days linked to a kleenex-box.  Last night we went into the hot tub at my Mom’s and it really helped the aching muscles.  Nate brought Kate over and she is so delightful-  Maggie is under the weather so she stayed home.  I really miss these little girls and can’t wait until I will have more resistance against illness.

I finished the book Unbroken and was richly rewarded.  The main character has a spiritual awakening and it gives one so much hope regarding what the human spirit is capable of.  There is so much in this book to ponder and reflect upon.  I love that about a quality book-  even when it’s finished,  there are these parts that come back to you that you have to process to understand.  We all know that knowledge comes in parts if we are ready to accept those lessons.  Books have always had such an impactful  influence on my life.  I remember as a child, looking at the covers hoping there would be some treasure of knowledge yet to be discovered inside its pages.  Here’s what the book Unbroken has taught me so far.  There are times in our lives when we realize we have to change and stop doing the things that are unproductive or are causing us to feel unhappy about ourselves.  Sometimes getting the fire started under us is the hardest part.  I love watching something come alive in a person and they do take their lives in their own hands and change or improve or start on the path to a better future.  We all have it in us but will we take the bull by the horn and do it?  I wonder.  I am amazed when I watch people who accomplish a lot in life.  They never seem to just sit idly by waiting for life to come to them, they go to it and in that lies the reward.

I’m just going to remember 2011 as a time of great, constant change.

Cactus near my Mom’s house


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