Saturday, Sunday May 28 & 29

Quote of the Day:  “If you are going through hell, keep going.”  Winston Churchill

Exercise Log:  Saturday, Kathy E. and I walked from my house over to the Eastwood Elementary area and back on Wasatch.  We saw a lot of bikers and runners.  Everyone so wants to get outside!  We went 4.96 miles and then today I did 3.39 on stairmaster so my total is -.55.   We spent Saturday doing yard work.  Got the fountain going and put the garden gnome in it’s place so it can bless the yard and it’s inhabitants and Joe, Nate and Mike pulled out the last of the bushes on the east side of yard.  We moved into this house in ’94 and we have taken out so… many bushes and redone so many areas.  It feels good to look at it and see the progress we’ve made.  As far as children go, Taylor was the major worker in our yard and he designed the fountain.  Picture included.  I love my yard!

Sue O. sent me this quote today by President Gordon B. Hinckley and it is one I will memorize:

“Believe in yourself.  Believe in your capacity to do great and good things.  Believe that no mountain is so high that you cannot climb it.  Believe that no storm is so great that you cannot weather it.  You are a child of God, of infinite capacity.”

Sue O. said that when she found out I had been diagnosed with cancer, she wanted to do something so she thought that she would send me an inspiring quote every day, that was one thing she could do.  It got me thinking of all the things people have done for me.  My eyes have been so opened to the many, many ways people make life richer for others.  I really don’t deserve all that has been done in my behalf but it so makes me want to turn around and do whatever I can to ease another’s burdens.

I talked to a women at church today who went through breast cancer 10 years ago.  She had such great knowledge to pass on to me.  She had a lot of family history of cancer and tested positive for the BRCA 2 gene.  I don’t know the difference between BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 but she said they are doing research on the BRCA 3 gene.  Basically, they are all genes that run in families and make it very likely that you will have breast or ovarian cancer in your lifetime, if you carry this gene.  She said one of her sons was tested but has never looked at the results.  As soon as Alex returns, in middle June, my 3 oldest boys will be tested.  She told me more about radiation which I haven’t given much thought to since I am so consumed by the chemo but now that chemo is on the downhill side, I wonder what the effects of radiation will be.  I have had a great week in the way I have felt but I’m sure the cumulative effects of Taxol will add up which each treatment.  With the first four treatments of TAC, I noticed that some things got better with how my  body was able to handle the drug and some got worse.  So far, though, this drug has been easier to handle.  Can’t wait until June 28 when I get to ring the bell!!!

Fountain at beginning of summer- looks much better when the flowers are at full bloom!


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One Response to Saturday, Sunday May 28 & 29

  1. Linda Young May 31, 2011 at 4:16 pm #

    What a difference a couple of weeks makes in your fountain and garden. The gnome, flowers and water make it look beautiful again. –L

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