Thursday, May 26

Quote of the Day:  “Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still.”   Chinese Proverb

Exercise Log:  Today Patti and I started @ 6:30 and then we meet Sue B. and she and I went until about 8:19.  We walked 5.56.  (+.89)  I was surprised that we had gone so far when I looked at my watch.  That’s what happens with good friends- you so enjoy their company that time flies!

Last night, I met my Community of Caring board and we went to Zuppas.  It was so fun to spend time with them and catch up.  All are seniors except one girl who will most likely lead the board next year!  They are all embarking on their futures and great futures they have in front of them.

I got the most eloquently written card from Tiffany Spence and her family this week.  I am so impressed with people who take the time to write cards.  I know many times I have thought that I should write someone and then I go home, get busy and don’t do it.  But obviously, I was moved by something that made me want to do it, I just don’t take the time to do it.  I have been the beneficiary of so many wonderful cards!  Tiffany used to live in my ward and neighborhood.  She is a young mother with the most amazing drive I have ever seen.  No, really.  During the time that she lived here, she had two darling little boys and then had her daughter shortly after they moved to Bountiful.  She is brillant and was working on her PHD at the same time.  She has this incredible drive to learn and she would have monthly think groups in her home.  I went one time when it was on education and reform.  They were all young- by that I mean in their 20s and 30s- and the conversation was so stimulating.  It was like I had walked into a room where people were using their brains and opinions to formulate ideas and stimulate new understandings.  I came away committed to use “think groups” in my classroom to facilitate all those concepts and to get students comfortable voicing their thoughts.  Whenever, I heard Tiffany speak, I was blown away by her understanding of the subject- whatever the subject.  So she does all these things, but also is committed to making a difference in Nepal and other parts of the world.  They even traveled last summer to Nepal with their two small children.  But with all that, she is a spiritual giant.

Here is what she said in her note:  “I want you to know that I will put your name and Joe’s name on the temple prayer rolls every week and that you are in our constant prayers… I am sure that you will be blessed as you faithfully endure this excruciating endeavor.  Undoubtedly you’ve been chosen to experience this because of your unusual and incredible ability to empathize with others- this is increasing your wisdom and understanding of both temporal and spiritual things…”   So, this is why her letter stuck me so soundly.  First of all, I was so moved that she defined my experience by the word “excruciating”.  No one had said that before and I appreciated that someone defined what I have been going through. And, second, (I don’t have any special abilities more than anyone else reading this blog) but it so struck me that this is what I am suppose to learn from going through this- as each of us are suppose to learn as we have trials- to empathize with others and to increase my knowledge of temporal and spiritual things.  It’s such a wake-up call to me that there is such a purpose in all our lives-  that we each need to see what really is the reason for the suffering or even for life not going exactly as each of us has planned.  What if we are in this great classroom but refuse to take the lessons to heart?  Isn’t that really the tragedy of all our experiences- that we don’t learn the lessons being taught?  That we are not paying attention and so miss it?

Community of Caring Board-  May 2011


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One Response to Thursday, May 26

  1. Hannah Jenkins July 2, 2011 at 5:43 pm #

    Joanie I am so glad we got to spend time with you – that night was so fun! I have been reading your blog and it is so inspiring. I am so glad you keep posting these wonderful quotes too because I always loved to read one every day in class. You are incredible Joanie – I love you!!!

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