Tuesday- Wednesday Aug.2-3

Quote of the Day:  “We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.”   Author Unknown

Exercise Log:  Tuesday Jen and I walked from her house, putting in the miles doing hills.  We went 3.12 miles.  On Wednesday, Jen, Patti and I walked over to Skyline and then back through overpass by Churchill.  We went 3.52 miles.  So glad for the walking and that I have friends waiting for me, outside.  I would certainly sleep in if it were only me, telling myself that I needed the sleep.  It is now dark when I wake up at 5:30 A.M. making the morning seem to come even earlier!

Mike gets married tomorrow and tonight we have the Groom’s Dinner.  I have been giving a lot of thought to Mike and his growing up years lately.  When I was cleaning downstairs yesterday, I started to think of 23 years (well, really 21 since he spent 2 years in Argentina), that Mike has lived with us.  It’s hard to think of him living in another place.  There will be a real void without him.  Alex is really feeling the pinch since this makes him virtually an only child-  all that attention placed on him.  He is feeling the push to get his own place!

Here are some things I wanted to mention about Mike growing up:

I am so grateful that Mike and Elle have chosen this time to be married.  Yesterday at the temple, we stood in the room where Joe and I were sealed, 32 years ago this month.  We had my maternal grandparents with us who had been married on that same day (August 24th) just 51 years before.  I looked at time going forward in those mirrors with a deep sense of purpose and now here is another couple choosing to be married and sealed together.   We are so grateful for Elle and her influence for good on Mike.  They are so in love and now can go forward and make their life together. 

The day Mike was born, I sat in the hospital holding him and a profound sense of happiness and peace came over me.  I remember it so well as I looked at this beautiful, perfect child who had come to us to join his 2 older brothers.  As I got pictures ready for the slideshow tonight, I was reminded of what a caring brother Michael was to Taylor.  He was always looking out for Taylor-  always had his arm around him.  One day, when Taylor was a few months old, Mike had climbed in his crib and was holding him.   I was worried that he could have hurt Taylor but then so touched by this cute act.

I can remember very few days that Mike gave us any trouble.  I did, however, worry that things came too easily for him.   School, sports, friends- he had it all.  One of my favorite memories was when he and Tanner, his best friend, were the leads in the 6th grade Shakespearean play.  I kept quizzing Mike about his lines and he was non-committal about how it was coming.  The day came and they performed the play and I sat in the audience amazed that he knew every line.  It was a great parent moment. 

When he came to Skyline, he was the least enthused of our children that his mom taught there but he took my class, non-the-less, and brought his great group of friends, too.  When Mike was a senior, he believed he owned the school and had parking privileges wherever he wanted.  By the end of the year, he had racked up quite an expensive amount in tickets.  Graduation time came around and in order to get his cap and gown, he, or I, would have to pay off tickets.  Since I knew the secretary in charge of fines, I decided to see if I could get tickets reduced.  It was a hard sell, but I finally got it down to a more manageable amount and I paid for his tickets.  Later that day the secretary reached me on my phone.  She was furious, Mike had parked in the fire zone again and received another ticket.  I won’t repeat what she called him here, but she was furious and I looked like a helicopter parent!

About 4 months into Mike’s mission to Argentina, he hit a patch of severe homesickness and cultural shock.  He was living in very poor circumstances and realized he would be there for 2 long years.  He wrote me a letter that I have kept in a place that I can read often.  He said: “I love the mission so much now.  I have realized that a mission is going to be as fun as you make it to be.  So, I’m having fun everyday and just making everything into a positive experience.  I truly am so grateful to be here.  Every morning I wake up so happy just to be able to still be on the mission learning all the things that we have been learning.  I needed something in my life to help me grow up and this is it.  My live would never have changed for the better if it wasn’t for the mission.  I love it.”

And from Guatemala, a word from Taylor:  “For Mike. I love you bro. Your example to me has always been so big in my life. You have always been such a wonderful teacher to me. I have always looked up to you and wanted to do everything you did from football to volleyball. I really would not be where I am with out you Mike. I remember when you left on you mission just like it was yesterday. I remember praying for you every night when you were on your mission that you would be safe. Going into your room and looking at that scripture that was on your wall- D&C 42:6. I wore that Argentina band for two years. Your example was so big to me. Now I am out here teaching. You’re about to get married- another example for me. Maybe some day I will do that too but I am so grateful for the example you always have set for me and everything you have taught me. I am so excited for you this week. I am very sad I can’t be there but I will be praying for you that all will be great. I love you Mike. I love you Elle. Have a great wedding.


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