Monday, March 14

Quote of the Day:  “Things that hurt, instruct”.   Benjamin Franklin

From Waking the Warrior Goddess:   Custom # 2    Eat organic whole grains every day

My friend, Matt Clark, from Skyline wrote this:

One of your comments this week mentioned something about the inherent goodness in people and it caused me to remember something I read about an atheist geneticist who become a believer. His conversion was based on “altruism” and how there could be no evolutionary advantage to give one’s life for another (true, maybe a family member). There are so many instances that people have risked their life for total strangers, that the only explanation was that we are more than just biology – that there is something connecting us to a higher power. The guy is Francis Collins and he wrote a book called “The Language of God”. He was the head of the Human Genome Project and is a well respected scientist. Well, my point is that the service we do reconnects us or strengthens the connection we claim to this power. It’s so evident that we are more than just physical beings, yet it is so difficult at times to recognize the spiritual aspects of life in the world around us.

I love that part about “the service we do reconnects us or strengthens the connection we claim to a higher power”.

I had an appointment w/ the surgeon and got a copy of the Surgical Pathology Report.  I was looking at it and went on the internet to find out what a few of the things meant.  BIG MISTAKE, again.  I think the internet is a great source for information but when you have cancer, it can be downright frightening.  I get this incredibly sick feeling in my gut and felt like I have no control over my life and then started to ruminate about the future or lack of future?  The biopsy report said that I have Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma but the surgical pathology report said that I have Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma which makes more sense that the tumor didn’t show up on the mammogram because it is deeper in the tissue.  But still this is a very small tumor (about the size of the black pearl that I just bought in Tahiti) but a very agressive one.  I still reflect back to even having found this cancer.  It’s pretty miraculous. I don’t know what havoc it has wreaked on my body thus far but it still doesn’t change the treatment and worrying really doesn’t help unless it moves one to positive action.  The thing is, I have always wanted to live and make the most of my life so it’s really hard to see people taking drugs or doing destructive things to their minds or bodies because they don’t care to live.  The surgeon said to me today “Whatever the stats, just add 10% more because you’re so healthy”.  She said this and I’m paraphrasing “Rather than be angry that this happened when you are living a healthy lifestyle, think of it this way- your healthy lifestyle may just save your life”.  So maybe, getting up all those mornings to run or skipping the diet coke make benefit me in the long run and will save my life yet.

I talked to Dr. Pete Hathaway again tonight to just ask him some questions about the pathology reports and I can see why he is a doctor and so good w/ people.  He totally made me feel better and put things in perspective.  I can see that putting time into exercise and meditation is not just an added-on part of my day when I’m busy-  it’s got to be a first priority.  It’s too easy to get swept up in all the hard things in life and let stress win.  If  I learn one thing, perhaps it is this-  I can’t do everything that I want to accomplish in a day, and maybe I don’t need to.

Already this illness has propelled me to make some changes in my life.    My friend, Annette, gave me this great card that says:  “I believe in mystery and miracles and the magic of a new day”.

Thanks to Millcreek Elementary for the beautiful flowers-  my students tutor children in the reading program.  Those flowers brightened my day.


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