Thursday, July 14

Quote of the Day:  “Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it.  I never heard of someone stumbling on something sitting down.”  Charles F. Kettering

I can feel myself getting stronger each day.  Talked to plastic surgeon’s office and they will check drain fluid amount tomorrow and hopefully some drains will come out on Friday.  I don’t want to rush it though because this fluid has to go somewhere- drains just makes me homebound which Alex says shouldn’t be happening.  I should just get out there, do what I want and not worry what others think.  While I agree with him in theory, I still feel self-conscious going out.   I was so hoping that wearing the support hose was a 1 week deal but it’s not- 2 weeks.  Wouldn’t mind so much if it wasn’t for the hot flashes!

Susie Beadoin came over for a visit bringing her famous Cherry Ice-cream.  Looking so forward to it!  I am going to wait for just the right time today, place myself outside surrounded by nature and indulge! She also brought me a book by Katie Couric called “The Best Advice I Ever Got” and then in smaller letters:  Lessons from Extraordinary Lives.  Best of all, I got to catch up with Susie.  Deeply bonded from our running days together, Susie is the kind of friend who always makes you feel good about yourself.  How does she do it?  She is always so positively up-beat and funny that she always leaves me happier after our time together.  She is sunshine- sounds and looks like it!  As we were saying good-bye on my porch, a dragon-fly flew right between us- what a positive gesture from nature.

I’ve just finished the Alchemist and wanted to comment about some of the main points of the book.  The story centers around a boy who searches the earth for his “destiny”.  He meets the Alchemist who takes lead and turns it into gold.  It is through this boy’s searching that he ends up back where he started, knowing the secrets of the earth.  He is told this simple message.  “When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it.”  I love this idea that we are so in harmony with the universe that it wants us to achieve all our dreams.  We so often feel that all the components of the universe are working against us not for us.  Later in the book, the boy realizes that “…everyone will search for his treasure, find it, and then want to be better than he was in his former life.”  But be warned:  “Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart”.

And then this: “That’s what alchemists do.  They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.”  I have found this to be so true.  One person, striving for their best, can make the rest of us what to strive for our best also.  Perhaps, that is what I like so much in watching Le Tour de France.  I marvel at how these athletes strive each day of the tour, asking much more than they probably have from their bodies but by doing so show us that we all can strive to be better, we can go the extra mile or become a better person-  it is only through stretching that we realize our full potential.


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