Wednesday, July 13

Quote of the Day:  “When you drink the water, don’t forget the well from which it sprung.”  Chinese Proverb

Got the BRCA 1 results back from my 2 boys- one tested negative and one positive.  My sister, Taylor, told me about someone she talked to who knew someone who had this gene and they were able to harvest eggs and have the gene deleted.  Could that be possible?  We are both going to see what we can find out about this.  This has got to be the future though, right?   Someday, this mutation won’t exist.  I think there is so much hope that this gene will be eradicated.  I tried to find out when this gene was discovered but was unsuccessful.  I think it has been in the last 10-20 years.  It pretty amazing what progress has been made so far.  Also, Taylor told me that the ovarian blood test I took, CA-125,  has a high false-positive rate so I looked it up on line and sure enough, it does and for that reason they don’t use it to detect ovarian cancer.  Scary stuff, but I felt much better after talking with Taylor.

The hardest thing this week is to be so housebound!  I had Joe take me to the store today and of course I was dressed in my support hose, white, a blousy shirt to hold 4 drains, and a hat on my head with no hair.  Also, try as I might to get some sun on my face, it seems to elude me.  I felt like I stood right out.  I’m sure people are wondering what is her story?  My healing is progressing and I had a pretty good night’s sleep.  Each day I have more energy so that’s encouraging.

Last night, Jill and Lori brought over dinner- chicken, potatoes, spinach salad, whole wheat rolls and Raspberry Delight Desert.  I hope they know how much we all love these dinners- especially my boys!  They are getting the home cooking they’ve always dreamed of.  Mary, Maggie and Kate came over after Raging Waters and stayed to play crochet.  Mary realizes how much I need their company.  Heidi Jones came by also with this delicious soup, I have had two helpings already of it, has the best flavor, melon fruit, and Fat Boys.  Maggie thought it was so funny that ice-cream came in a sandwich.  My family is the beneficiaries of all this good cooking.  I love that hot, delicious food says I care.  I had a visit from Jennifer Merkeley last night also, and she helped me understand things that will be coming in my future.  Jennifer has experienced all I have and will experience with this gene! The best part of having this disease, is the human connection!

Heidi told me 2 things that I thought were great to hear and wanted to remember:  (1)  Lance Armstrong- after having lost weight and muscle with his cancer treatment- was able to come back stronger, build new stronger muscle and go on to win the Tour de France.  (2)  In the book, the Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom’s father was so wise.  As a loving parent, he would only give his daughter what she could handle appropriate for her age.  They were on a train together and he held her ticket for her, she was a young girl.  Heidi related this to our Father in Heaven and how he holds a ticket for us knowing what we are ready for.  When we think we can’t handle life or take on a huge challenge or deal with a horrible incident in our lives, our Heavenly Father hands us the ticket and has confidence that we can do what’s asked of us.  Heidi lost her Mother in a tragic accident and understood this when another friend had brought this to her attention.  And I find this comforting.  I know Heavenly Father aches for me and is there to give me the support I need.  And really, my needs have been met through the kindnesses of others.  I know Joe feels that way also.  It’s exhausting to try to predict the future, and I feel like that’s what I’ve been trying to do.  I know that I have to turn over everything in confidence that Christ and Heavenly Father will take care of me.  That is a lesson that is so hard to learn.


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