Monday, December 24

Runner’s know that they have to keep running especially when their food intake exceeds the amount of calories burned.  So this morning, a bit reluctant, since it’s almost a holiday and because a winter storm advisory was issued, I met up with Lori, Melissa, Teri and Denise and we ran from Granatos parking lot through Holladay, over to Casto Lane, down to Holladay Blvd. and then over to 4500 S. and back up to our cars, distance about 5 miles, and my stomping ground for over 50 years.  Now, it’s a bit daunting to run when you have been over indulging but it’s even more daunting when the girls who show up are the “A” team as I was faced with this morning.  I am definitely the “B” team and content with that.  So we ran along, talking and sharing, all while the snow that had started falling at my house was a non-factor in Holladay.  It was about 38 degrees and very comfortable.  Here’s what I love about winter running-  there are very few days that you can’t run, either due to rain, snow, ice, wind or temperature and when you make the effort to get out there and run you are so rewarded.  Along with this great feeling of accomplishment, you come away feeling that you have dealt with the weather and that you’re a worthy opponent.  You can say things like “I’m not afraid of the weather” or “I’m not going to let the weather tell me what I can or cannot do”.  It’s empowering and that time outdoors gives the spirit a boost all day long!


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